Clubs & Activities
- Art
- Band
- Bank Advisory
- Campus Life
- Interact Club
- PeP Club
- Science Club
- Student Council
- Summer AR Program
- Technology Student Association
- VEX Robotics
Bank Advisory
Homeland Community Bank Youth Advisory Board
Joyce Britton
Homeland Community Bank started their youth advisory board seven years ago to introduce students in the seventh and eighth grades to banking, Personal Finance and what is expected of a board member. Their main goal is to introduce banking to the students and encourage them to consider it as a possible career for the future.
To be selected as a member you must be a seventh grader and write an essay with the title “What Banking Means to me” and turn it into you Language Arts Teacher. The top 4 or 5 papers from each team will be given to the bank committee to choose the finalists. These students will participate in an interview to choose the winner.
The board will meet after school 4 times during the school year. Students from all county schools will be given the opportunity to be a member. The students will learn about banking and what is expected of a board member. These students must have support from their parents’ as they must be brought and picked up from Homeland Community Bank for each meeting. Each member will serve two years on the board graduating off after finishing their eighth grade year of school. The best part of being a board member is you will receive a board fee or payment for each meeting you attend. With this money you can open a Youth Advisory Savings Account that has special incentives for the member.
Meeting Information
Meeting times are announced since there is not a set time. Meetings are held once a month or each grading period on the day after report cards go home to check service hours and review report cards.
Students must hold a 3.2 GPA, complete twelve service hours during the school year (August through May), and have good behavior.
The purpose of the Beta Club is to promote the ideals of honesty, service, morality, ethical conduct, and leadership among middle school students; to reward meritorious achievement, and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school.
Campus Life
Meetings will be announced. FCCLA usually meets once a month.
All Teen Living students are members of FCCLA
FCCLA is a national organization for students in grades 6-12. FCCLA encourages healthy families, strong communities, and successful careers.
Annual Food Drive
FCCLA and TSA hold their Annual Food Drive during the month of October. Motivated by the desire to help families with needs during the holiday season the WCMS students donate cans of food for two weeks. The cans of food are donated to the Family Resource Center. They will distrubute the food to families that have children in the Warren County School System.
Interact Club
Warren County Middle School
Service above self
Interact is a service club. Each member is required to earn 16 hours of service. A minimum of 10 hours MUST come from Interact Projects.
Interact Projects the club will be involved in (but not limited to) to earn the minimum 10 hours are:
· Rotary Food Booth (Week of September 9-14, 2019)
· Kids of the Community
· Packing Fuel Bags
· Operation Christmas Child
· Family Resource Center
Members have the option of earning up to 6 hours through activities not associated with Interact as long as they are of service to others. For example: Church Activities or Community Organizations. All service hours that are not from Interact Projects must be recorded on available Service Hour Forms. No hours will be accepted if: Not on the Service Hour Forms and signed by the overseeing individual.
The cost to join Interact is $15.00. (This covers the cost of Membership Dues and T-Shirt.) Make checks payable to WCMS Interact Club.
Please return the payment, this Registration Form, Transportation Waiver, and Release of Liability to Mr. Steve Hillis (Room 354, RA Building) by WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2019.
PeP Club
Science Club
Science Club
Science Club sponsors are 8th grade science teachers, Jennifer Heath and Alicia Richardson. Meetings will be held in Ms. Heath’s classroom in the related arts building (room RA356) 1 - 2 times per month. Meetings will be after school, 3:00pm - 4:30pm; pick-up will be at 4:30pm in the RA parking lot (between related arts building and main gym). Dates of meetings and other information regarding Science Club will be given through announcements.
Student Council
Student Council
Jessica Scott
Megan Harmon
The purpose of student council is to encourage school pride and spirit, develop and practice attitudes of good citizenship, promote harmonious relations throughout the school, provide a forum for student expression, and promote the general welfare of the school.
Summer AR Program
Summer AR (Accelerated Reader) Program
Meeting Information
Monday Evenings 3:30 to 7:00 during July
Middle School Students Parents and Siblings - AR tests can only be taken over books checked out from the Middle School Library.
The philosophy of the Summer AR Program is infinite mind travel through reading.
Technology Student Association
TSA - Technology Student Association
Meeting Information
Meetings will be held monthly.
Every student that takes Technology Education is a TSA member.
The Technology Student Association is a non-profit national student organization. TSA's mission is to inspire members to prepare for careers in a technology-driven economy and culture.
TSA is the only student organization dedicated exclusively to students enrolled in technology education classes grades K-12. TSA is recognized by the U.S. Dept. of Education, many state education agencies, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the International Technology Education Association, and the National Coordinating Council of Career and Technical Student Organizations.
FCCLA and TSA holds their Annual Food Drive during the month of October. Motivated by the desire to help families with needs during the holiday season the WCMS students donate cans of food for two weeks. The cans of food are donated to the Family Resource Center. They distribute the food to families that have children in the Warren County School System.
VEX Robotics
VEX Robotics
We want to invite you to consider joining the VEX Robotics Club. In the VEX Robotics Competition teams of students are given the challenge to design and build a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. You will learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels and culminate at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April!
Warren County Middle school will be competing in the VEX IQ Challenge. This challenges both elementary and middle school students with exciting, open-ended robotics and research project challenges that enhance their science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills through hands-on, student-centered learning.
We will meet on Tuesday or Thursday one day a week preparing for competition. We will design, build and program our robot while keeping a journal of our designs and progress throughout the process. If you are interesting in engineering and robotics get you an application at the sign in desk and turn it in to Mrs. Britton or Mrs. Lokey in the Related Arts Building with your $30 membership fee. Hope to see you at our next meeting.